quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

The eyes of the skin - Juhani Pallasmaa

Notas sobre a Introdução do livro:

Sobre o porquê de desenvolver a pesquisa do livro, o autor diz:

"I had become increasingly concerned about the vias towards vision, and the suppression of the other senses, in the way architecture was conceived, taught and critiqued, and about the consequent disappearence of sensory and sensual qualities from the arts and architecture."

"My assumptions of the role of the body as the locus of perception, thought and conciousness, and of the significance of the senses in articulating, storing and processing sensory responses and thoughts"

"(...) I wished to express the significance of the tactile sense for our experience and understanding of the world, but I also intended to create a conceptual short circuit between the dominant sense of vision and the suppressed sense modality of touch"

"we do indeed see by our skin"

agora, ela começa a levantar a ideia da percepção visual através da pele:

"All the senses, including vision, are extensions of the tactile sens; the senses are specialisations of the skin tissue, and all sensory experiences are modes of touching and thus related to tactility."

"touch as 'the mother of the senses'"

"My body is truly the navel of my world, not in the sense of the viewing point of the central perspective, but as the very locus of reference, memory, imagination and integration."

"I lend my emotions and associations to the space and the space lends me its aura, which entices and emancipates my perceptions and thoughts. An architectural works is not experienced as a series of isolated retinal pictures, but in its fully integraated material, embodied and spiritual essence."

sobre a virtualidade cibernética:

"Computer imaging tend to flatten our magnificent, multi-sensory, simultaneous and synchronic capacities of imagination by turning the design process into a passive visual manipulation, a retinal jorney."

"Unconscious peripheral perception transforms retinal gestalt into spatial and bodily experiences. Peripheral vision integrates us with space, while focused vision pushes us out of the space, making us mere spectators."

Uma comparação fortíssima, e que me parece muito interessante trabalhar (se não nesse projeto, depois):

"The loss of focus can liberate the eye from its historial patriarchal domination."